Dying Into Love: A Personal Letter from Ram Dass

A Personal Letter from Ram Dass


My first journey to India was, in part, a result of an interest I had in better understanding death. Sitting at the funeral ghats in Benares watching the families watch the bodies of their loved ones burn showed me how in Eastern culture death is part of life. Looking back to the West I could see that death was hidden from the consciousness of the culture.

Since returning from India in late 60’s I’ve been sitting by deathbeds and through my spiritual life I have confronted my own beliefs around death. Now is the time for us all to consider what we’re missing as a culture because of our disconnection from our own mortality.

Joan Halifax Roshi, Dale Borglum, Bodhe Be and I, with the help of Sam Small, have prepared this series of videos we call Dying Into Love, taken from three emotional workshops where we sought to present the truth of death as we know it.

Some of the participants are professional caregivers, some are dying themselves, and some are spiritual people who wish to consider the issues of death as a way of enhancing their own consciousness and move closer to God.

The combination of presenters in the Dying Into Love videos offer you a depth and breath of information about death, and life,  that I trust you will find intriguing.


Ram Dass

Originally Posted on May 30, 2012

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